Talking to Strangers Makes me Happy
It isn't often that something I decide to do following a simple suggestion, is promptly backed up by published research findings. On a recent cruise to Alaska with my daughter, she told me her on board photography instruction suggested that when traveling instead of taking only or mostly scenery pictures, one make an effort to meet the locals, take photos of them, or selfies together. That will become the joy of the trip, something around which you can build a narrative as you browse your (probably too many) photos upon returning home. And so I did. On a recent two week trip to Logan, Utah for a Summer Citizens program, I had lots of time to myself. My travel companion was negatively impacted by the high altitude and stayed in much of the time. I got out walking 5-7 miles nearly daily. Not only did I get to know the town very well, I met people. Most memorable, a student beginning his freshman year, a recent graduate of an Historically Black...