Counting the Omer, week six: Yesod: The foundation of self
The ego is a vehicle Rabbi Ted Falcon We will spend the final two weeks of our journey focusing on the central pillar of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life , where the levels of identity are represented. This sixth week, at Yesod , we honor the self behind our experiences , the one at the center of our thoughts, feelings, and sensations. While we tend to denigrate the significance of our ego identity, this sefirah encourages a greater appreciation for the possibilities for which our separate self exists. The ego is a vehicle through which more profound spiritual consciousness can connect to the manifest world. So this week, we focus on the promise contained within our individual identities. The Focus for the Sixth Week Yesod : The Foundation of Self beginning the evening of Saturday, May 25 At Yesod ("Foundation"), we meet the self-awareness we call the eg...