Living in a Bubble

 We live in a bubble, each in our own world, separated from everyone whose life is not just like ours.  We ride in our private vehicles, go to places only others in our socio economic situation frequent.  We hear stories that mirror our own.  And then we break out of the mold, like today, when 5 ladies from AAUW walked a hiking trail in Flagstaff, Arizona.  

Undisturbed by outside distractions, we talked.  We talked about our travels, today, and I learned that while in some circles I am considered very well traveled, in others, I've been standing still, living in my own small world.  Some of that is because our starting lines varied dramatically, we never traveled as a family.  My father didn't help make my halloween costumes, nor my mother teach me the piano.  Our lives were so small, just pay the rent and hope tomorrow is better because we got educated.  When you are spending your time making a living, basics, there isn't much time for cultivating your children.  That's because more and more evident and also evident is how little I have passed along to my children.    


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