Counting the Omer
Counting the Omer is a Jewish tradition amongst followers of the Kabbalah. It consists of 49 days of mindfulness beginning with the second night of Passover and ending with Shavuout, the receiving of the torah. I've never done it before, Although I've attempted, begun in good faith, and then dropped away. Let's see how it works this time. I'm going to follow along with Rabbi Ted Falcon, a humanist rabbi from the Seattle, Washington area who has a large on-line presence.
From Rabbi Falcon:
From Rabbi Falcon:
The Focus for the First Week
Chesed: The Endless Flow of Loving Kindness
beginning the evening of Saturday, April 20
Chesed is the symbolic place where the energies of Lovingkindness flow without limit. This flow of Life-force will later manifest as both positive and negative feelings, but at this point the flow precedes any polarity.
This week, I appreciate the abundant outpouring of possibility
Day 1 Focus, beginning the evening of Saturday, April 20
I begin my journey toward greater purpose and meaning.
Today is the first day of the rest of my life. This idea, although not new or original, has been bouncing around in my head for the past few days. I've been more aware of its core truth and how each day is an opportunity, or a lost opportunity. Greater purpose would mean what? From our reading: What one does for oneself dies when you die; what one does for others lives on. Is that what greater purpose is? Is it perhaps about accomplishing more things/actions/activities? Is having a greater purpose about mindfulness, be conscious and in the moment throughout the day? What is the meaning? Can being happy be important enough so that playing MahJong for an afternoon is okay, is enough? I'm working at not judging others who are going about their life differently from mine. Also, trying not to be envious or belittling myself because "they", whoever they are, have done more important or more meaningful work. Just focusing on finding my own meaning. I don't know what that is?
Day 2 Focus, beginning the evening of Sunday, April 21
Higher energies manifest through me in healing ways.
Well I have flunked day two of counting the Omer. I still have no voice since Friday so I remained home alone and didn't use my voice at all. No phone, just texting, but otherwise here watching television, working on my Torah panel (which was very wonderful and perhaps that is the healing that had to happen.) Okay, maybe I didn't flunk Omer counting.
Healing is perhaps a larger word/concept than I would allow. Low energies can be healing as well and today was for lower energies but self-care.
Day 3 Focus, beginning the evening of Monday, April 22
The light of Lovingkindness illuminates my entire being.
Day 4 Focus, beginning the evening of Tuesday, April 23
I honor new possibilities.
Day 5 Focus, beginning the evening of Wednesday, April 24
I awaken to the wonder of physical sensations.
Day 6 Focus, beginning the evening of Thursday, April 25
Universal Energy of Lovingkindness support me now.
Day 7 Focus, beginning the evening of Friday, April 26
I am one with the Universal Source of Life.
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